Monday, September 8, 2008

EA gives a release period for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince the game

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book 6EA Games has just made two announcements concerning the state of the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video game. First of all, it will be reeleased at the same time as the movie, so expect to see it in stores during Summer, 2009. EA has also stated that the game will be released globally, so perhaps this means we’ll see something close to a simultaneous release worldwide.

Like all previous Harry Potter games, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will cast players as Harry, experiencing adventures that happened in the sixth book. Once again, there will be opportunities to engaging in Quidditch matches, wizard duels (which were featured in the fifth game) and potions mixing, all while trying to discover the Half-Blook Prince and learn more about Voldemort from Dumbledore.

Its funny - as excited as I was about the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix game and movie, I just can’t muster any for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I’m think that, perhaps, it is because book six wasn’t one of my favorites. I think, in order of goodness, book five was best, closely followed by book seven. Book three and four tie for third place, followed by the first book and then the sixth and second books.

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