Saturday, August 30, 2008

Brett Ratner would love to make a Guitar Hero movie

Guitar Hero
Have you ever finished a great run of a song on Guitar Hero and thought “man, that would make a great movie!”? No? Well, Brett Ratner, the director of such films as Rush Hour and Red Dragon did, and he was happy to tell MTV that he would “love” to make a film based on the musically inclined franchise. As for his GH street cred, well, Joystiq reported that the famed director actually came up with the name for Guitar Hero: World Tour, whatever that’s worth.

Ok, I think there might be a way to make a cool movie out of this - maybe a sort of tongue-in-cheek satire about a no-name band’s rise to fame. As long as audience members are allowed to participate in the musical portions of the movie (Rocky Horror Picture Show style) it might be fun. Otherwise, in the words of Tony Soprano… Fuggetaboutit.

Read [Joystiq]

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