Thursday, October 9, 2008

PWNorDIE website for gamers

pwnordieThere is nothing better than sharing (aka showing off) our gaming experiences with the world. Sites like YouTube and PoeTV can be very cluttered and, when you're searching for a video on how to proceed in a level, you end up with dozens of videos of some guys cockatiel who whistles the entire theme song to Mario Bros. Pwn or Die is a website dedicated to just gaming and gaming videos. Not so much birds.

On the site you can see screenshots of games, gamer reviews, trailers, interviews, fan made videos and, most importantly, videos of gamers playing video games.

Just like YouTube, it's free to join, so all you have to do is come up with a user name and password. Once registered, you can talk about yourself, upload videos and rank your favorite videos on the site for others to see. Or, if you are already a member to the website FunnyOrDie, then your login and password will transfer over.

Now you are ready to post the 100 videos you made of you making your friends head explode in World of Warcraft. Or, maybe you have a helpful clip of you beating a hard level in Metroid that you think will be beneficial to others. Either one will work.

Even if you don't have a clip to post and you just want to check out a great site specifically for gaming content, you should check out Pwn or Die.

Site [Pwn or Die] Read [Video Game Examiner]

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