Saturday, December 19, 2009

Flock! Review

Flock! is an innovative proposal that Capcom will be published on PC, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade in the spring.

Time, or actually the lack of it, led me to leave it saved on the hard drive until you overcome the flood of news that we have experienced this year. Now back to this analysis is happy for the weekend with a game downloadable highly recommended. Be abducted by ‘Flock!

I play two metacarpal that many are thinking of a flight simulator that besides deadly weapons with the latest technology. If in addition you can absorb all kinds of objects such as buildings and cars with your lightning abductor and then release to the city and destroy your enemies, it becomes GOTY on the day of launch.

Proper Games Instead this project is and what it brings’ Flock! ‘, A kind of simulator labrador, dogs by changing the UFOs, which we must guide the flock to the mother ship.

A form of the potential of a project? No, no one expected a title and with originality and new forms of gambling is positioned as one of the most attractive of Xbox Live Arcade.

Flock1The game presents a scenario more or less difficult (fences must move either with animals or with a physical strength of the rays of the building, pools and tall grass areas that are slowing the passage of our flock, breaks …) and a group of animals that we must take a point from A, which can be spread by a number of areas, a point B, representing the mother ship and the end of the road.

From here begins the simple complicated by the mix of barriers and animals, adding to a recent artificial intelligence that will put us in a bind over.

It is noteworthy that the animals do not follow us, we flee. And if your fear involves thrown in a ravine, regroup and influence to create slow motion trying to disperse or confused, do not hesitate to do so.

Although their appearance might indicate otherwise child ‘Flock!’ Is a title that will cost us to dominate. Besides, once the story mode or dull finish playing with a friend, the following will be dedicate to its full level editor or try to overcome the deranged ODIS that other users have uploaded to the network.

If you sobran and a few Microsoft Points, or already have the latest bombing or not you just draw special attention, ‘Flock!’ Can be a good buy. You may not excellent but certainly a remarkably noteworthy.

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