Friday, July 31, 2009

Square Enix officially announces the games it’ll display at Gamescom 2009

Supreme Commander 2Square Enix, which also includes Eidos now ya’ know, has decided to let the world know what games the company will be showing off when it attends Gamescom 2009 in Cologne, Germany on August 19-23, 2009. It’s a rather predictiable lineup, as Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts games will be there, as well as Batman: Arkham Asylum and Mini Ninjas.

If Gamescom sounds unfamiliar to you, it’s because it’s a new entertainment and games trade fair being held in Europe and supported by the German Trade Association of Interactive Entertainment Software, and the European Game Developers Conference is going to coincide with the event, taking place August 17-19, 2009. Square Enix is already stepping up to offer support by declaring it’s attending.

As for the games, while there will be expected showcases, there will also be a few delightful surprises. For example, Supreme Commander 2 will be playable at the event. Batman: Arkham Asylum will also be there and playable, including a portion where attendees will be able to play as the Joker. Also, Mini Ninjas PC demos will be given out to attendees. Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Front Mission Evolved, Nier, Order of War and Pony Friends 2 will all also appear at the event.

The Mini Ninjas free demo is a nice perk, and I’m sure people will be lining up to play Batman: Arkham Asylum as well. I’m sure Square Enix and Eidos’ booth will be a popular attraction at Gamescom 2009.

Read [] Via [Joystiq] Site [Gamescom]

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