In the latest Tales installment, Tales of Hearts (ToH), a peaceful empire is terrorized by a monster that consumes everyone’s dreams and eats into people’s hearts. In order to protect itself from danger, people’s hearts (known as Spiria) create complex labyrinths known as Spir Mazes. Only those who possess the power of Soma are allowed entry into the depths of the Spir Mazes.
ToH will be released exclusively for the Nintendo DS on December 11, 2008, in Japan. There will be two versions of the game with one featuring cut scene anime produced by Production I.G. (Blood: The Last Vampire, Evangelion: Death and Rebirth, Ghost in the Shell). The other will feature CG produced by Shirogumi. This will be the first Tales to incorporate CG renderings of characters during FMVs (full motion videos).
Many unique elements come together in ToH to create an intricate battle system that includes a multitude of opportunities for customization. During battle, party members are limited to 3 but support characters can be utilized with the Combination Gauge in to perform a character combination attack called Connect Command. Characters in battle are able to perform any number of attacks, spells, or skills until an Emotional Gauge (EG) is completely depleted. Constant use of the EG results in increased attacks and increased damage while minimal use of the EG means a decrease in attacks and a decrease of damage incurred.
Weapons are called Soma in the world of ToH, and party members will gain new abilities known as Soma Skills when players effectively utilize the Soma Build tool to create and upgrade Soma. Soma Evolve occurs when a Soma takes a new pattern or form as the result of Soma Build. Another way important element of ToH is Soma Link. Soma Link is affected when multi-option interactions occur with another character within the game. Depending on the choice made, that character may gain points towards the Soma Link Value. Obtaining enough points equals obtaining new skills.
Within the complexities of the Spir Mazes there lie abundances of rare items and treasure to be discovered. Through the utilization of Soma, a player’s party will be able to enter someone’s heart through his/her mind, known as a Spir Link. Spir Links can be established during the main scenario with non-playable characters and for multi-player sessions as well.
If you’ve been able to endure that hefty vocabulary lesson then you’ll have no problem navigating a Japanese-to-English dictionary in order to play this import when it first hits the shelves.
Site [Tales of Heart] Read [Dark Diamond]
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