Title: Bleach Uncut Season 2: The Entry box set
Price: $39.99 (Amazon) - $80.99 (Barnes & Noble)
Format: DVD
Release Date: August 19, 2008
Company: Viz Media
ESRB Rating: Unrated
Pros: Episodes 21-41 uncut, English and Japanese voice tracks, English subtitles, production art, mini-poster, Ichigo sticker
Cons: Only basic extra features
Overall Score: Two thumbs up, 90/100, A-, **** 1/2 out of 5.
The second season of Bleach is arguably one of the best in the run of the series. While the first season, ”The Substitute,” sets up the story for viewers and acts as an origin tale for the hero that is Ichigo Kurosaki, the second season, “The Entry,” gives viewers the opportunity to see what Ichigo is capable of and up against.
The best way to experience this, to understand the mechanics of the Soul Society and Soul Reapers, is to watch the uncut DVD box set in Japanese with English subtitles. Even though Viz Media has cast capable voice actors to give life to all of the characters, the introduction and personalities of the various Soul Reaper captains and vice captains are better captured by the original Japanese voice actors. Since Viz Media has also done a great job with translating for the subtitles, the DVD set is a joy to watch either way.
Mission Impossible: Save Rukia Kuchiki.
The beginning of the first season finds Ichigo Kurosaki, Chad Yasutora, Orihime Inoue and Uryu Ishida with the help of Yoruichi and Ganju Shiba in Soul Society. The group is breaking into the Seireitei, aka the walled inner city of Soul Society where Soul Reapers dwell, in order to rescue Rukia Kuchiki.
In season one, Rukia accidentally transferred all of her soul reaper powers to Ichigo. This resulted in Ichigo having those powers stripped from him and her being arrested. Once Rukia was brought back to the Soul Society, she learned she was sentenced to die. Ichigo trained with Kisuke Urahara to become a soul reaper again to save her.
But something isn’t right in Soul Society. Some of the 13 Division captains are questioning her sentence. Add to that the mysterious murder of one of the captains and six scattered intruders (Ichigo and company), and chaos ensues.
Watch this season in Japanese, unless you can’t give your undivided attention.
Normally, I tend to go with the English voice acting for anime series, since I like to multitask. Bleach “The Entry” is a season that really should be watched in the original Japanese. While the English casting is very good, many times it doesn’t do justice to the original voice actors - especially when so many new characters are introduced.
The second season of Bleach is filled with revelations and intrigue that the first season didn’t possess. It seems as though the series is evolving and growing with the characters, completely abandoning the “kill this week’s monster” phase into a serious dramatic and action series. In fact, despite all the fights (and bloodshed) that occur in season 2, I’d have to label Bleach as a drama with action and comedic elements. “The Entry” acts as a fantastic build-up to the aftermath that follows in “The Rescue,” the third season of Bleach.
As for the DVD box set itself, it’s a pretty good deal. You get all of season two unrated (episodes 21 to 41), a mini poster of Ichigo in soul reaper attire, a sticker of Ichigo and a contest to enter. There is also the option to view production art and the ending without any credits running over it. It is a bit expensive at the moment (since it just came out), so maybe wait a month or two to see if the price will drop a bit.
Also - while both released seasons of Bleach have been unrated so far, “The Entry” is more graphic than “The Substitute.” Viz Media gives “The Entry” a “Teen” rating, and I would have to agree. There are many graphic battles in this season, so be aware of that before you go buying the set for anyone under 13.
“The Entry” is when Bleach starts getting good.
While “The Substitute” served as a mere introduction, “The Entry” is a means to get viewers hooked. This season of Bleach features cliffhangers, startling revelations and mysteries that are going to draw viewers in. You’ll keep watching because you’ll have to know how things turned out.
The uncut season 2 box set of Bleach is definitely the way to go if you’re a fan of the series. Since so many of the episodes of this season tie together, you’ll want to have the full set so you can instantly move on to the next episode. “The Substitute” was a season where you probably could have gotten by with iTunes, just downloading one or two of your favorite episodes, but “The Entry” is a season where you’ll want all of the episodes at once and multiple language options.
Site [Bleach]
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